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Armando Fumagalli

Armando Fumagalli is professor of Semiotics and History of Cinema at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, where he is also the Director of the Masters Program in International Screenwriting and Production (MISP). Since 1999 he has also worked as script consultant for Lux Vide, a production company especially active in international TV miniseries (Anna Karenina, War and Peace, Medici – Masters of Florence, etc.). He has taught and lectured in many universities and screenwriting courses in Europe, USA, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, etc. His most recent books are Creatività al potere: Da Hollywood alla Pixar passando per l’Italia (Torino: Lindau 2013; published also in Spain by Rialp) and, with Paolo Braga and Giulia Cavazza, The Dark Side: Bad guys, antagonisti e antieroi del cinema e della serialità contemporanea (Roma: Audino 2016).

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