Minds, Brains and Computers (Book)

Perspectives in Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence


1. Computational Models of Cognition 1
Ralph Morelli and W. Miller Brown
2. Language: A Mirror of Mind 36
Dina Anselmi and Karl Haberlandt
3. Computers and the Symbolization of Knowledge 82
Zenon W. Pylyshyn
4. Metaphors for Mind, Theories of Mind:
Should the Humanities Mind? 95
Allen Newell
5. Story-Based Memory 134
Roger C. Schank
6. Computers and Rationality: The Myths and Realities 152
Terry Winograd
7. Can Connectionist Models Discover the Structure
of Natural Language? 168
James L. McClelland
8. From Neurons to Minds via Schemas: Achieving Artificial
Intelligence Through Cooperative Computation 190
Michael Arbib
9. Are You a Cognitive Liberal? Take This Simple Quiz! 211
Dan Lloyd
Author Index 223
Subject Index 227

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