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Helena Hof

Helena Hof is a senior research fellow and lecturer in social science of Japan at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. She holds a Ph.D. from Waseda University, Tokyo, and received a four-year JSPS grant on skilled labour mobility in Tokyo, Singapore and Sao Paulo. Helena’s expertise lies in migration and mobility studies, urban sociology, sociology of work, gender and youth. Her most recent publications include ‘Intersections of race and skills in European migration to Asia: Between white cultural capital and “passive whiteness”’ (Ethnic and Racial Studies); ‘The Eurostars go global: Young Europeans’ migration to Asia for distinction and alternative life paths’ (Mobilities); and ‘Opting out for getting in: Existential mobility in European graduates’ migration to Asia’ (Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies).

Contact: University of Zurich, Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich, Switzerland.

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Transitions: Journal of Transient Migration
Founder and Editor Catherine Gomes Editors Peidong Yang and Michiel Baas Reviews Editor Helena Hof Social Media Editor Becky Pham