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Jaquelin Elliott

Jaquelin Elliott is currently a Ph.D. student in English at the University of Florida. Her academic interests include horror, the Gothic, fan studies, queer studies and spending far too much time talking about monsters. Her dissertation examines queer-coded monsters in horror and fantasy fiction and the reclamation of these monstrous figures on the part of the queer community (particularly in fandom circles). Since beginning her graduate studies, Jaquelin has presented conference papers at SAMLA, the SCMLA, the Children’s Literature Association, the International Gothic Association and the International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Her publications include ‘Becoming the monster: Queer monstrosity and the reclamation of the werewolf in slash fandom’ in Revenant: Critical and Creative Studies of the Supernatural (December 2016) and ‘“This is My Becoming”: Transformation, hybridity, and embracing the monstrous in NBC’s Hannibal’ in the University of Toronto Quarterly (Winter 2018).

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