
Journal of African Cinemas 11.2 is now available
Monday, March 09, 2020

Journal of African Cinemas 11.2 is now available

Intellect is happy to announce that Journal of African Cinemas 11.2 is now available! 


Special Issue: 'Media Maghreb: Imagining North Africa in Audio-Visual Culture’ edited by Ivo Ritzer and Ute Fendler.


For more information about the special issue and journal, click here >>


Aims & Scope


The Journal of African Cinemas is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal that explores the interactions of visual and verbal narratives in African film. It recognizes the shifting paradigms that have defined and continue to define African cinemas. Identity and perception are interrogated in relation to their positions within diverse African film languages.


Issue 11.2



Ivo Ritzer 




Maghreb forever: From ThirdWorldism to the epistemology of multiplicity in media culture

Ivo Ritzer


Cinema is a country: The transgressive power of images in The Sea is Behind by Hicham Lasri

Ute Fendler


Insurgent citizenship: Youth, political activism and citizen cinema in post-2011 Morocco

Jamal Bahmad


Tunisians in motion: Performing and narrating the (non-)political in Leyla Bouzid’s As I Open My Eyes 

Alena Strohmaier


The Underside of Power (Algiers): On W/Hole people, missing masses and dispositions of politics in popular cinema 

Drehli Robnik 




Nollywood: The Creation of Nigerian Film Genres, Jonathan Haynes (2017) Babatunde Onikoyi


World Cinema and Cultural Memory, Inez Hedges (2015) Nwachukwu 

Frank Ukadike