
Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art 6.2&3 is now available
Thursday, January 09, 2020

Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art 6.2&3 is now available

Intellect is pleased to announce that the Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art 6.2&3 is now available! 


Special Issue: 'Reinventing tradition in Chinese contemporary art'


For more information about the special issue and journal, click here >>


Aims & scope


The Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art seeks to explore the relationship between contemporary art and Chinese cultural identity in its broadest sense. This peer-reviewed journal provides a forum for critical debate into Zhongguo dangdai yishu, the ‘avant-garde', experimental and museum-based visual art produced as part of the liberalization of culture that has taken place within mainland China since 1978. It also explores works produced by artists of non-Chinese ethnicity who live and work within Chinese contexts or whose work has a strong relationship to Chinese culture, society and history.


Issue 6.2&3




Everyday Legend: Reinventing tradition in Chinese contemporary art 

Jiang Jiehong 




Past as future: The discourse of Chuantong in twentieth-century 

China Pi Li


Tradition and transmission: Shifting epistemological and (art-)historical grounds of contemporary art’s relation to the past 

Birgit Hopfener


Translation, transformation and refiguration: The significance of Jingdezhen and the materiality of porcelain in the work of two contemporary Chinese artists 

Luise Guest


Chasing the sun: Qu Leilei’s serial images in early post-Mao China 

Jennifer Dorothy Lee


Metamorphosis of a butterfly: Neo-liberal subjectivation and queer autonomy in Xiyadie’s papercutting art 

Hongwei Bao


Immutability and impermanence in Qiu Zhijie’s work: From Buddhism to New Confucianism to Mainland New Confucianism 

Christine Vial Kayser


Back to the future? Chinese artistic tradition and topologies of urban modernity 

Angela Becher


Which tradition is mine? Chinese women artists and cultural identity 

Magdalena Furmanik-Kowalska


China’s ancient past in its contemporary art: On the politics of time and nation branding at the Venice Biennale

Jenifer Chao


Continuum Generation by Generation: The representation of Chinese traditions at the China Pavilion of the 57th Venice Biennale

Ornella De Nigris


Beyond the cinematic: Reinventing Chinese martial arts through new media art practices

Wayne Wong


Reverie through Ma Yansong’s Shanshui City to evoke and re-appropriate China’s urban space

Federica Mirra 




The language of porcelain

Liu Jianhua and Jiang Jiehong


Redefining the beauty 

Yu Ji and Jiang Jiehong