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Kelly Laurila

Kelly Laurila is of Sáami Indigenous and Settler Irish heritages and she has been given many Anishinaabe (i.e. Indigenous word for Ojibway peoples in Canada) teachings. She is the song-keeper of an urban Indigenous community youth and women’s drum circle. The drum has helped Kelly reclaim her Indigenous identity and a sense of belonging. Kelly holds these insights and teachings of the drum close to her and is inspired to help Indigenous and Settler peoples find balance, strength and positive relationships with themselves and with others. Following a 23-year-long career in counselling, Kelly is currently pursuing a doctoral programme in social work at Wilfrid Laurier University, Kitchener, Ontario. Her research interest is dedicated to the ways that Song can contribute to bridging the relationships between Indigenous and Settler peoples in Canada. She has been teaching for over six years in courses that bring Indigenous epistemology into mainstream curriculum as another effort towards reconciliation.

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