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Luo Xianmei

Luo Xianmei received a Ph.D. in the history of Chinese art from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Before studying in CUHK, she worked in a contemporary art gallery and art magazine in Beijing for several years. She joined the Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture Organizing Committee Office at Shenzhen as a senior editor in 2019, being responsible for publications relating to the biennale. Her doctoral research focuses on private art museums in China, in which she tries to combine research methods and perspectives of sociology, economics and political science with that of art history. She has explored her interests from contemporary art and art museum to the prevalent issues in urban China, and has been making extensive efforts to further enhance the practices of interdisciplinary research. She is also engaged in writings on contemporary Chinese art and has translated books that elaborate modern and contemporary art in Hong Kong.

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