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Maria Elena Capitani
Maria Elena Capitani holds a BA and an MA in Foreign Languages and Literatures (English and French) from the University of Parma, Italy, where she studied under the supervision of Professor Diego Saglia. She obtained her first degree in December 2006, writing a dissertation on Shelagh Delaney's A Taste of Honey (1958). In July 2010 she completed her second-level degree with a thesis on Martin Crimp's work. She has attended various specialist summer courses on British literature, theatre and culture at the Universities of Edinburgh and Cambridge. She is part of the editorial staff of Parole Rubate/ Purloined Letters, the University of Parma's international peer-reviewed e-journal of quotation studies, in which she has recently published an article on Crimp's transtextual strategies. Her research interests lie in contemporary British literature and culture, with special focus on drama, narrative and intertextuality. She plans to start a Ph.D. in British literature next year.
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