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Richard Feinberg

Richard (Rick) Feinberg is professor emeritus of anthropology at the Kent State University. Since the early 1970s, he has conducted research with Polynesians of Anuta and Taumako Islands in the Solomons, Nukumanu Atoll in Papua New Guinea and Atafu Atoll in Tokelau. He has published on topics that include kinship and social organization, voyaging and non-instrument navigation, religious beliefs and practices, oral traditions and language. From 2016 to 2019, he was the American Anthropological Association’s Section Assembly convener, and in 2019 he served as Fulbright distinguished chair of anthropology at Palacký University, Olomouc, in the Czech Republic. Currently, he is the president of the Kent State University Retirees’ Association and serves on the executive boards of the Association of Senior Anthropologists, the Fulbright Association of Northeastern Ohio and Folknet Traditional Music Society.

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