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Simonetta Falchi

Simonetta Falchi (Ph.D.) is a research fellow of English at the University of Sassari. In 2008–09 she was an academic visitor at the University of Cambridge (Faculty of English and Lucy Cavendish College). Her main research interest is the reception of myth in the broader sense, including classical, parabiblical and literary myths. She also deals with the intertwining of technology and Victorian literature and culture. She has published a number of book chapters and articles in journals on these topics. She has also co-edited three volumes – Victorianomania (FrancoAngeli, 2015), L’altro. I molteplici volti di un’ineludibile presenza (Aracne, 2012), Lost in Translation. Testi e culture allo specchio (Aracne, 2009) – and is currently working on a monograph on the myth of the Wandering Jew in English Literature.

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