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Umberto Famulari

Umberto Famulari is an instructor at the Media School at Indiana University–Bloomington where he is also completing a Ph.D. in media arts and sciences. His teaching and research focuses on the intersection of digital and social media, political and visual communication and journalism. His analysis embraces two distinct but complementary paths. He is interested in how media frame immigration, ethnic groups and underserved communities, and he pays particular attention on how political institutions and political leaders use visuals as a persuasion and propaganda tool. He studied extensively the image of the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, and his research was published in the article ‘The Duce on the screen: The image of Mussolini in the newsreels of the Istituto Luce’, Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies, 2016, 4:2.

Contact: The Media School, Indiana University Bloomington, 601 East Kirkwood Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA.

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