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Victor Jeifets

Victor Jeifets is a professor at the Department of Theory and History of International Relations, School of International Relations, Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia. He has a Doctor of Sciences (post-doctoral degree) and a Ph.D. in history. He has been elected as professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 2015. He is the author of more than 150 academic publications including six monographs. His academic interests focus on the history of Latin America and international relations, the history of the ‘left movement’, the history of Latin American guerrillas, political processes and systems of the countries of the western hemisphere, diplomatic relations between the USSR (Russia) and Latin American states and others.

His recent publications include the book Jeifets, V., Jeifets L. and Urrego Ardila, M. (eds) (2016), Izquierdas, movimientos sociales y cultura política en America Latina (Left, Social Movements and Political Culture in Latin America), Morelia: Instituto de Investigaciones Historicas, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo-Centro de Estudios Iberoamericanos and Universidad Estatal de San Petersburgo, and ‘Las claves para entender la politica exterior rusa’ (‘The keys to understanding Russian foreign policy’), Revista de Cultura y Ciencias Sociales, 2:3&85, pp. 23–31 (2015), ‘Reflecciones sobre el centenario de la participación rusa en la Primera Guerra Mundial: Entre olvido histórico y los mitos modernos’ (‘Reflections on the centenary of Russian participation in the First World War: Between historical oblivion and modern myths’), Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura, 42:2, pp. 177–201 (2015), ‘The international insertion of the Communist left-wing anti-Gómez tendency of the Venezuelan exiles: The first years’, Revista Izquierdas, 25, pp. 1–28 (2015) and ‘Del Frente Único a clase contra clase: Comunistas y agraristas en el México postrevolucionario, 1919–30’ (‘From the Frente Único to class against class: Communists and agrarians in post-revolutionary Mexico’), Revista Izquierdas, 19, pp. 15–40 (2014).

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