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Hiie Saumaa

Hiie Saumaa, Ph.D. (Columbia University), is a dancer, writer, educator and performer. Originally from Estonia, she lived in the United States for over a decade and is now based in Paris. She writes about dance, somatics, embodied knowledge, health, creativity and the imagination. In 2018–19, she was an inaugural fellow at Columbia University’s Institute for Ideas & Imagination in Paris, France. She has taught at Columbia University, New York University, Paris College of Art, Emlyon Business School, l’Institut Mines-Télécom and EFREI Panthéon-Assas. She is completing a book on the creative process of the choreographer Jerome Robbins. Her publications have appeared in Integrative and Complementary Therapies; Dance Research Journal; Dance Chronicle; Dance, Movement & Spiritualities; Somatics Magazine/Journal and Routledge Companion to Dance Studies, among others. She is a certified instructor of Nia dance, The BodyLogos© Technique and JourneyDance, and teaches online and in-person classes and workshops in sensory-based dance modalities, somatic strength training and stretching, and somatic awareness.

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