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Thomas Binder

Thomas Binder is a researcher and educator engaging open design collaborations and participatory design in the context of social innovation and sustainable transitions. His research includes contributions to methods and tools for experimental design research and open innovation processes with a particular emphasis on methodologies of codesign and design anthropology. He has been editing and authoring several books such as (Re)Searching the Digital Bauhaus (Springer, 2008), Rehearsing the Future (Danish Design School Press, 2010), Design Research through Practice (Morgan Kaufman, 2011), Design Things (MIT Press, 2011) and Design Anthropological Futures (Bloomsbury, 2016). He has chaired the Participatory Design Conference in 2002, the Nordic Design Research Conference in 2005 and the Design Anthropological Futures Conference in 2015.

Contact: Design School Kolding, Ågade 10, 6000 Kolding, Denmark.

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Craft Research
Founding Editor Kristina Niedderer Editors Katherine Townsend and Gemma Potter Assistant Editor Beth Pagett
Editor-in-Chief Sissel Olander Managing Editor Nicky Nedergaard Associate Editors Kathrina Dankl and Thomas Binder Founding Editor Charlie Breindahl and Ida Engholm Assisted by Design School Kolding and Royal Danish Academy