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Alberto Baracco

Alberto Baracco is a lecturer in film at the University of Basilicata, Department of Humanities. He was director of the Audiovisual Laboratory at the Department of Art, Music and Cinema and then head of the Research Office at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures and Modern Cultures at the University of Torino between 2001 and 2018. At present, he is in charge of LiFE, an extensive research project focused on Lucania, film and ecology. His main areas of research are film philosophy and film ecocriticism. His recent publications include the volume Italian Experiences of Trauma through Film and Media, coedited with Rosario Pollicino (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022), and the monographs Philosophy in Stan Brakhage’s Dog Star Man (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019) and Hermeneutics of the Film World (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017).

Contact: Department of Humanities, Università della Basilicata, Via Nazario Sauro 85, Potenza, Italy.

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