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Audrey-Kristel Barbeau

Audrey-Kristel Barbeau, assistant professor at UQAM (professeure en pédagogie musicale, enseignement collectif au primaire et au secondaire), is an expert in community music for elderly adults and the health-related benefits of music-making. She founded the Montreal New Horizons Band and is Quebec representative of the New Horizons International Music Association. She has been involved in the organization of the first Montreal Wind Conducting Symposium, and has been research grant and administrative organizer at CIRMMT. Audrey-Kristel has a significant network of contacts in the area of music education in Quebec through her involvement in community music and her excellent relationships with music education students, alumni, research partners, stakeholders and colleagues. Her interest in a life-course perspective is informed by teaching experience at all levels of the formal education system in both rural and urban/multicultural environments, and in English and in French.

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