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Clarissa Ribeiro

Clarissa Ribeiro, Ph.D., architect, media artist and researcher, Ph.D. in arts (University of Sao Paulo and CAiiA hub of The Planetary Collegium), Fulbright Postdoctoral Scholarship awardee (UCLA, Art|Sci Center/James Gimzewski Lab), M.Arch. (University of Sao Paulo), member of the UCLA Art Sci Collective and chair of the first Leonardo/ISAST LASER talks to be hosted in Brazil/Latin America. Having performative technoetics and digital humanities as compass, she is interested in cross-scale information and communication dynamics that impacts human–non-human behaviour and other macro-scale emergent phenomena. Exploring in her more recent projects the metaphysics of information visualization in subversive morphogenetic strategies, she welcomes the animistic to navigate ecologies-as-cosmologies.

Contact: University of Fortaleza, Av. Washington Soares, 1321, Edson Queiroz, 60811905 Fortaleza, CE, Brazil.