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Idris Hamdani

Idris Hamdani is an associate researcher at Laboratoire Lettres, Idées, Savoirs (LIS): Université Paris-Est Créteil. He holds a doctorate in French language and literature from the University of Paris-Est. His thesis is entitled, ‘The intertext of One Thousand and One Nights in the work of Tahar Ben Jelloun’. His article ‘The deconstruction of virility: A reading of the work of Tahar Ben Jelloun in the light of the Thousand and One Nights’ will appear in Les Lettres Romanes (vol. 76). Currently, he is a French teacher at the National School of Engineers in Tunis (Tunis El Manar University). He works on French literature, mainly on the novels of Gérard de Nerval, and on Francophone literature (Maghreb and West Indies). Areas of interest include, subversion and deconstruction, the relationship between men and women in Arab-Muslim society, the alienation of the individual under domination.

Contact: Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tunis, Rue Béchir Salem Belkhiria, Campus universitaire, BP 37, 1002, Le Bélvédère, 1002, Tunis, Tunisia.

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