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Jenni Mäenpää

Jenni Mäenpää, Ph.D., is a communication researcher specializing in photojournalism and visual cultural research from Tampere University, Finland. Her research focuses on news photojournalism and its professional practices. Her interests have been intertwined with the work practices, rituals, ethics and discourses related to the trustworthiness of news images, the changes in the journalistic profession, the relations between power and knowledge in news work, and the visual expertise of photojournalism professionals. Her empirical works among news photojournalism professionals have focused on online news video production, news photo editing practices, international picture news agency work and NGO communication. Currently, she leads a research project on visual storytelling strategies of the Finnish news media on Instagram.

Contact: Tampere Research Centre for Journalism, Media and Communication (COMET), Tampere University, Kalevantie 4, 33014, Tampere, Finland.

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Journal of Visual Political Communication
Co-Editors Orla Vigsø, Bengt Johansson, Darren Lilleker and Anastasia Veneti Associate Editor Helena Barbosa Book Reviews Editor Angelos Kissas Social Media Editor Dechun Zhang Founding Editor Simon Downs