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Melodie G Galloway

Melodie G. Galloway holds a MA from Florida State University in Vocal Performance and a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in conducting from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Her experience as a conductor and soprano soloist includes opera, musical theatre and a professional vocal ensemble, for which she has been a soloist in Russia, Estonia, Ireland, England and Spain, and for former Presidents Bush and Clinton as part of the White House Christmas celebrations. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor in music: choral conductor and coordinator of Vocal Studies. She frequently appears as a clinician and conference contributor in the fields of musical theatre, choral repertoire and techniques, and jazz. As an invited speaker in March 2007, Galloway presented ‘Coloring Outside the Lines: Conflicts and Resolutions in Dave Brubeck’s “Jazzy” Mass’ as part of the Leeds College of Music International Jazz Conference ‘Jazz: Inside and Outside’. 

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