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Ngozi Kris Ogbodo

Ngozi Kris Ogbodo is a senior lecturer in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literary Studies, in the University of Nigeria Nsukka. She is currently teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Francophone Caribbean literature, Francophone African literature, language and world literature. She is a co-author of ‘The wrath of war and the ruin of the woman: A socio-critical analysis of Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’, a chapter in Women and the Nigeria-Biafra War: Reframing Gender and Conflict in Africa published by Lexington Books, 2020. She has also attended academic conferences organized both locally and internationally, and published many other articles on translation and literary studies in English and French languages. Ngozi Kris Ogbodo has two master’s degrees in translation studies and Caribbean and African Francophone literatures, respectively. She has a Ph.D. in African and Caribbean Francophone literatures from the University of Nigeria Nsukka, and a certificate in world literature from Harvard University, United States.

Contact: Department of Foreign Languages and Literary Studies, University of Nigeria Nsukka, Nsukka 410114, Enugu State, Nigeria.

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