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Olatunji Ogunyemi

Olatunji Ogunyemi, Ph.D., is the convener of an international multidisciplinary Journalism Education and Trauma Research Group (JETREG) and Media of Diaspora Research Group (MDRG) at the School of English and Journalism, University of Lincoln, United Kingdom. He is an adjunct professor in the Department of Communication Arts at Bowen University, Nigeria. He is a member of the AHRC Peer Review College (PRC), ensuring that the highest quality research proposals receive funding in accordance with robust and transparent decision-making processes. He is a senior academic mentor in the College of Mentors at the Council for the Development of Social Research in Africa (CODESRIA), working to strengthen the capacity in teaching, research and mentoring in the social sciences and humanities in African universities. He regularly publishes articles in journals and chapters in edited books and is the founder/principal editor of an academic journal, Journal of Global Diaspora and Media.

Contact: Lincoln School of Film, Media and Journalism, University of Lincoln, Brayford Pool, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN6 7TS, UK.

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