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Paola Palma

Paola Palma is a research fellow at the Mixed Research Unit Thalim (Theory and History of the Arts and Literatures of Modernity, CNRS/ENS/Université Paris 3), where she is working on a project on European film co-productions, directed by Valérie Pozner, with whom she has co-organized a conference at the INHA, the French National Institute of Art History. She won a Ville de Paris research grant in 2014–15 to study postwar Italian-French co-productions, and recently published a chapter on the subject in the collection L’Internationalisation des productions cinématographiques et audiovisuelles (The Internationalization of Film and Audiovisual Productions) (Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2017), edited by Claude Forest. She also authored the monograph La vagabonda dello schermo: Colette e il cinema (The Screen Vagabond: Colette and Cinema) (Esedra, 2015), as well as a chapter on Marcello Mastroianni in L’Auteur de cinema (Film Auteur) (AFRHC, 2013), edited by Christophe Gauthier and Dimitri Vezyroglou.

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