
Applied Theatre Research 7.2 is now available
Thursday, January 02, 2020

Applied Theatre Research 7.2 is now available

Intellect is pleased to announce that Applied Theatre Research 7.2 is now available!


For more information about the issue and journal, click here >>


Aims & Scope


Applied Theatre Research profiles contemporary, innovative, unorthodox and radical practice of drama and theatre. Topics explored in this global, peer-reviewed journal include theatre in political debate, social action and dissent; theatre for development; youth theatre; theatre in schools and educational settings; theatre in therapeutic settings; theatre in prisons; theatre in health education and awareness; theatre in human services, such as aged care and hospitals; and theatre in business, commerce and conferences.


Issue 7.2



John O’Toole and Peter O’Connor 




Return to the Nile: Celebratory theatre as cultural resistance

Yasmine Kandil and Hannah te Bokkel


A Campus Counter Tour: Performing institutional narratives 

Claire Syler


Performance and the politics of distance: Exploring the psychology of identity and culture in politicized Australian performance landscapes

Linda Hassall


Deploying performance poetry in dispelling HIV and AIDS stigma: An applied theatre approach 

Cletus Moyo and Nkululeko Sibanda


A systematic review of applied theatre practice in the Indian context of mental health, resilience and wellbeing 

Mark Crossley, Andy Barrett, Brian J. Brown, Jonathan Coope and Raghu Raghaven


The intuit: An investigation into the definitions, applications and possibilities offered by intuitive applied theatre practice with vulnerable youth 

Nicola Abraham


But that’s not right, is it Miss? Colonization and conscientious objection through drama

Elizabeth Anderson, with Marsha Bellamy and Nikki Douglas


Remembering Marcia … 

Tim Prentki 




Critical Perspectives on Applied Theatre, edited by Jenny Hughes and Helen Nicholson (2016)

Asif Majid