Licence and Usage Policy

The sections below contain information about Intellect’s self-archiving policies and terms of use for different article versions. These policies apply to Intellect’s standard Green Open Access articles. For full details about articles and books published under Intellect’s Gold Open Access model, including the licences that we support and the terms of use that they allow, please go to our Open Access page.

Preprint version

We define the preprint version as the submitted or ongoing version of an article, which has not been peer-reviewed, officially accepted into a journal, or had any value added to it by Intellect (such as copy editing, typesetting, metadata formatting, etc.). Posting preprints can be a useful way to share preliminary research, and to encourage feedback from other researchers in the field before a formal peer review.

Authors may place their preprint manuscript on an institutional repository, subject repository, archive, not-for-profit preprint repository (such as and or personal website at any time. This is not subject to an embargo.

Once accepted for publication in an Intellect journal, authors should add the following note to the front page:

This is a pre-peer review preprint of an article that has been accepted for publication in [name of journal, volume, issue, year].

Upon publication, authors should link the preprint to the final published article (version of record) by adding the following note to the first page:

This is a pre-peer review preprint © [name of author, year]. The definitive, peer reviewed and edited version of this article is published in [name of journal, volume, issue, pages, year, DOI link].

Preprints should not be enhanced or formatted in any way to appear like the accepted manuscript or final published version. Authors are not permitted to replace the preprint with the accepted manuscript or the final published version.

We ask that authors do not actively share their preprint articles with commercial users or the media as this research has not been through the formal editorial and peer-review processes. Authors and readers must clearly acknowledge when sharing or citing the preprint that this version of the research has not been peer reviewed.

This policy applies to both Green Open Access and Gold Open Access articles. Go to our Open Access page for full details about articles and books published under Intellect’s Gold Open Access model, including the licences that we support and the terms of use that they allow.

Accepted manuscript version

Start date

The start date for this policy is the date that the article is accepted for publication into an Intellect journal, after peer review.

Green Open Access (standard)

We define the accepted manuscript (or post-print file) as the version of the paper after peer review, with revisions having been made, but before copy-editing and typesetting have taken place.

Authors are encouraged to put bibliographic details of their article in a non-commercial institutional repository or subject repository within 3 months of acceptance.

After the embargo period of 12 months following publication and distribution of the final version, the accepted manuscript can be made publicly visible in a non-commercial, institutional or subject repository. Authors may deposit their accepted manuscript in a non-commercial, institutional or subject repository upon publication, but access to this must be restricted until the end of the embargo period., ResearchGate and other sharing networks are commercial sites. Authors may not post their accepted manuscript or final published version (version of record) to these sites at any time. 

Please contact us if your funder has specific requirements with regards to the deposit of your AAM in open access repositories and/or waiving our embargo policy. We comply fully with the open access requirements of UKRI, Wellcome and other cOAlition S funders. Where required by their funder, authors retain the right to distribute their author accepted manuscript (AAM), such as via an institutional and/or subject repository (e.g. EuropePMC), under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence for release no later than the date of first online publication.

Upon publication, authors should link the accepted manuscript to the final published article (version of record) by adding the following note to the first page:

© [name of author, year]. The definitive, peer reviewed and edited version of this article is published in [name of journal, volume, issue, pages, year, DOI link].

Authors must abide by the terms of the licence form, which must be signed and submitted when the paper is accepted for publication. This form covers terms of use of the accepted manuscript and the final published version/version of record, as well as details of our privacy policy and GDPR, republication, university repositories and image use. Any uses not covered in the licence form require permission from Intellect.


All versions of articles published through our subscription model are fully protected by copyright.

Third-party users may view the bibliographic details of the article once deposited, but access to the post-print file must be restricted until after the embargo period has ended. 

During the embargo period, users may not view, print, make quotations, copy or download the accepted manuscript for any purpose.

Users may not make the final published version publicly available, make unauthorised copies, share, post or publish it in print or digital form at any time. Users may not modify the content, remove any copyright notices or author information, or create derivative works.

Gold Open Access

The policy above does not apply to Gold Open Access articles. Go to our Open Access page for full details about articles and books published under Intellect’s Gold Open Access model, including the licences that we support and the terms of use that they allow.


Intellect reserves the right to issue take-down notices to anyone or any site that infringes this policy and to take other action as appropriate, including termination of access to Intellect content.

Final published version (version of record)

Start date

The start date for this policy is the article’s publication date within an issue.

Green Open Access (standard)

We define the version of record as the final published PDF, print or HTML version of the article.  

The author is not permitted to post, print, or otherwise distribute the journal’s version of record/final PDF published version at any time without permission., ResearchGate and other sharing networks are commercial sites. Authors may not post their accepted manuscript or final published version (version of record) to these sites at any time. 

Once an article has been accepted for publication, the contributor must complete and submit a licence form. This form covers terms of use of the accepted manuscript and the final published version/version of record, as well as details of our privacy policy and GDPR, republication, university repositories and image use. It is very important that all editors, guest editors and contributors have read and understood this form and adhere to the terms of use.

Any uses not covered in the licence form require permission from Intellect.

The author retains all moral and proprietary rights that are not in conflict with the terms of this licence. This includes ownership of all patent and trademark rights to any process or procedure, or any other form of intellectual property contained in the accepted manuscript.


All versions of articles published through our subscription model are fully protected by copyright. All uses must be fully cited using the DOI of the final published article.

Subscribers may access and make personal, academic or educational, non-commercial use of the content in line with copyright law and terms of their subscription. This includes downloading and viewing the Journal on compatible reading device(s) or other systems for their personal use.

Quotations from the article may be used, provided these are of a reasonable and necessary length only, and there is a full citation to the original source using the DOI.  

Subscribers and third parties may not make the final published version publicly available, make unauthorised copies, share, post or publish it in print or digital form. Users may not modify the content, remove any copyright notices or author information, or create derivative works.

Photocopying for internal or personal use is allowed for users registered with the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) in the United Kingdom, or the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) in the United States. The base fee must be paid directly to the relevant organization. The proportion of the subscribed product that can be copy/pasted or printed depends on the user’s agreement with the organization.

Intermediate copies of Intellect works may be made by an individual with a print disability, or an authorised body/institution acting on behalf of that individual. An accessible copy must only change the work to the extent necessary to convert it to an accessible format.

Intellect does not require or store personal data related to the individual’s accessibility requirements, though this may be required by those making or authorising the accessible copy. The accessible copy is solely for the personal, non-commercial use by an individual with a disability and must not be copied, shared or distributed for any other purpose. This is restricted to those with existing lawful possession or lawful use of the Journal.

See our Accessibility page for more information and to contact our accessibility team.

All other uses by subscribers, persons, companies or organisations other than the author, requires permission from Intellect. See our Rights and Permissions page for information on how to request permissions for reuse. 

Gold Open Access

The policy above does not apply to Gold Open Access articles. Go to our Open Access page for full details about articles and books published under Intellect’s Gold Open Access model, including the licences that we support and the terms of use that they allow.


Intellect reserves the right to issue take-down notices to anyone or any site that infringes this policy and to take other action as appropriate, including termination of access to Intellect content.

See also

Open Access

Rights and Permissions

Information for Journal Editors and Contributors

Information for Librarians