Publish with Us

Why publish with Intellect?

At Intellect we strive to preserve the author’s authentic voice and provide an unbiased platform for debate. We have a well-earned reputation for our excellence in design, innovation and corporate integrity.

For you, this means access to a publisher that is dedicated to expressing your ideas and insights in an undiluted fashion, to as wide an audience as possible.

I first heard about Intellect from my friend, Professor Amelia Jones, who had published an excellent book on Performance Studies with the press. After working with them on a rather complicated monograph project with many illustrations and seven different authors, I am still very satisfied with the communication and working relationships we've developed. The production and editorial staff are genuinely interested and engaged in my project and have shown themselves willing to be flexible and to try their best to fulfil our dreams for this project. At all times, I have felt free to express my ideas and responses to their designers and editors, and have been listened to, and seen changes made even if it cost more time and effort. Best of all, I know that their hearts are in it, and they genuinely believe in my project and are doing their utmost to fulfil my expectations and ideas. Thank you, Intellect and all your capable and friendly staff.

Faith Wilding, co-author of Faith Wilding’s Fearful Symmetries

A publisher’s role – the way we see it 

Intellect is one of a small community of independent international publishers dedicated to collaborating with authors and editors to add value and visibility to their research and ideas.

To achieve success on your behalf, we provide:

  • Experience: over 30 years’ academic publishing expertise.
  • Partnership: close author–publisher cooperation, in all aspects of the publication.
  • Quality: high production values throughout design, copy-editing, typesetting and printing.
  • Communication: direct and open dialogue with Intellect, every step of the way.
  • Strong values: corporate integrity, honesty and optimism, and a democratic and transparent in-house approach to consideration of new titles.
  • Community: a large and well-connected community of authors, editors and readers.
  • Distribution: a prestigious network of international distribution partners, including The University of Chicago Press, plus digital expertise in a range of eBook platforms and formats.
  • Sales: international sales teams around the world, with a focus on emerging markets throughout the Far East and Australasia.
  • Innovation: we monitor our industry closely and adapt to change so we stay one step ahead.
  • Environmental sustainability: we’re committed to responsible publishing methods, and continuously monitor and look to reduce our impact on the environment.

‘Intellect’s openness, and willingness to discuss and develop new ideas, has had a direct impact and enabled our academic community to flourish.’ Lee Higgins, editor of International Journal of Community Music.

Read about our editorial strategy: An interview with Tim Mitchell, Intellect's Head of Editorial

What do we publish?

Intellect’s titles are multidisciplinary and international in scope, and typically promote ideas and insights from the visual and performing arts, media and communication studies, cultural studies and film studies.

That said, there are no strict boundaries to what we publish. We simply aim to give authors the chance to publish groundbreaking work in emerging or unexplored subject areas and are always open to new ideas and genre-defying material that’s affiliated with our core subject areas.

Here are just some of the subjects our products have taken to a wider audience:

Animation | Architecture | Area Studies | Arts & Communities | Arts Education | Comics | Communication Studies |
Crime Fiction | Curatorial Studies | Dance | Design | Disability Studies | Drama Therapy | Fandom Studies | Fashion |
Film Studies | Gaming Studies | Gay and Lesbian Studies | Gender & Sexuality | Illustration | Journalism | Media Ecology Music| Music Education | New Media | Performance Studies | Photography | Popular Culture | Screenwriting | Sound Studies | Science & Art | Television Studies | Theatre | Urban Culture | Visual Arts

For a closer look at the kinds of books and journals we publish, visit our book and journal portfolios here: Books and Journals

Continuously widening our scope

We’re always looking to add to the list of subjects we promote, and for new and exciting ideas to publish.
If you think your work might be suitable for the Intellect portfolio, please submit a book or journal proposal.

Publishing in our journals

Publish your article

Our journals welcome contributions throughout the year and full submission details can be found on each journal’s webpage. Please read and follow the journal’s Aims & Scope, Notes for Contributors and Call for Papers before you submit, and ensure you are aware of Intellect’s house style. All articles submitted should be original work and must not be under consideration by other publications. Publication is subject to peer review. We look forward to hearing from you!

Publish your journal

We seek editors with the passion, knowledge and commitment needed to lead a journal from strength to strength. Our most successful editors encourage and inspire their community to submit articles, conduct peer reviews and help in the day-to-day running of the journal.

Guest editors

If you’d like to guest-edit one of our existing journals, download a Guest Editor form here

Propose a journal

To propose an entirely new journal for Intellect’s portfolio, download a Journal Proposal form here

Publish your book

We welcome innovative and interesting proposals that fall into and complement our main subject areas. We have a democratic review process, giving each proposal the consideration it deserves before we offer a decision. Your proposal will be reviewed for its originality of thought and merit by our in-house production team and may also be sent outside to respected academic specialists.

Once your proposal has been accepted, a contract will be signed and a timeline agreed for the manuscript submission. All books are subject to double-blind peer review once submitted, and authors/editors will be given an opportunity to revise their work based on these reviews. 

For us to make a sound assessment of a book project, we ask you to complete an Author, Editor or Series Editor Questionnaire.

Book authors

To propose a new book project, download an Author Questionnaire here

Book editors

To send a proposal for a new edited collection, download an Editor Questionnaire here

Propose a book series

If you would like more information on contributing to one of our existing series, visit the Book Series pages here. Here you will find the series editors’ contact details and the current title list for each series. To propose a new Book Series, download a Series Editor Questionnaire

Check out the IQ40 Magazine for information on our 40th Anniversary