International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics (Journal)

ISSN 17408296 , ONLINE ISSN 20400918

The International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal committed to analysing the politics of communication(s) and cultural processes. It addresses cultural politics in their local, international and global dimensions, recognizing equally the importance of issues defined by their specific cultural geography and those that traverse cultures and nations.

This title is indexed with Scopus and the Web of Science’s Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).

For more information, to access the journal or to subscribe visit the Discover platform here.


Katharine Sarikakis
University of Vienna, Austria

Francisco Seoane Pérez
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Associate Editors

Ekaterina Balabanova
University of Liverpool, UK

Carolina Matos
City, University of London, UK

Reviews Editor

María Victoria Mas
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Spain

Notes for Contributors Download

Aims & Scopes

The International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics (MCP) is a peer-reviewed journal aiming at analysing social and cultural communication processes with an interdisciplinary approach. MCP pays attention to contemporary issues striving to encourage academic responses to pressing world events, offering policy-oriented thinking.

The content focus is critical, in-depth analysis and engaged research of the intersections of communication and media studies, sociology, politics, economics and cultural studies with the aim of keeping academic analysis in dialogue with the practical world of communications, culture and politics. 

The journal publishes theoretical and empirical contributions from a wide and diverse community of researchers, and from any methodological and epistemological approach. 


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Intellect has partnered with Enago to offer a 20% discount on their services for our authors and contributors. Enago provide English editing services, including copy editing and translation. This service is intended for potential contributors who would like translation and/or copy editing assistance prior to submitting their work for consideration. Visit their page here to find out more.
All articles submitted should be original work and must not be under consideration by other publications.
Journal contributors will receive a free PDF copy of their final work upon publication. Print copies of the journal may also be purchased by contributors at half price.

Peer Review Policy

All articles undergo initial editorial screening either by the journal's Editorial Team and/or incumbent Guest Editors. Articles then undergo a rigorous, anonymous, external peer review by two referees, following the guidance in Intellect's 'Peer review instructions'. Based on this feedback, the Editors will communicate a decision and revision suggestions to authors. To appeal an editorial decision, please contact the main Editor who will consider your case.

Ethical Guidelines

The journal follows the principles set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Read our Ethical Guidelines for more on the journal's standards.


Katharine Sarikakis
University of Vienna, Austria

Francisco Seoane Pérez
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Associate Editors

Ekaterina Balabanova
University of Liverpool, UK

Carolina Matos
City, University of London, UK

Reviews Editor

María Victoria Mas
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Spain


Katharine Sarikakis
University of Vienna, Austria

Francisco Seoane Pérez
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Associate Editors

Ekaterina Balabanova
University of Liverpool, UK

Carolina Matos
City, University of London, UK

Reviews Editor

María Victoria Mas
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Spain


Katharine Sarikakis
University of Vienna, Austria

Francisco Seoane Pérez
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Associate Editors

Ekaterina Balabanova
University of Liverpool, UK

Carolina Matos
City, University of London, UK

Reviews Editor

María Victoria Mas
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Spain

General Call for Papers

The International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics (MCP) is committed to analysing the politics of communication(s) and cultural processes. It addresses cultural politics in their local, international and global dimensions, recognizing equally the importance of issues defined by their specific cultural geography and those which run across cultures and nations. The content focus will be critical, in-depth analysis and engaged research of the intersections of sociology, politics, cultural studies and media studies with the aim of keeping academic analysis in dialogue with the practical world of communications, culture and politics. 

MCP invites articles (6,000-8,000 words), short commentaries (2,500-3,000), and short polemics (1,000-2,500) on media and cultural politics topics, and in particular on these five themes:

  • Infantilizing culture: the collapse of media content?
  • The death of the intellectual
  • 'In here and out there' – the media, the centre and the regions
  • Getting past 'post-feminism'
  • The media and the end of history – a view from several continents

MCP also welcomes books for review. The journal invites contributions from a wide and diverse community of researchers. It seeks to generate and promote research from both experienced researchers and to encourage those new to this field. The aim is to provide a forum for debate arising from findings, as well as theory and methodologies. A range of research approaches and methods is encouraged.

Selection of Themes 

Infantilizing culture: The collapse of media content?

Could it really be that 'elitist' cultural pessimists of the twentieth century (like Adorno and Eliot) were embarrassingly accurate about the degradation inflicted on culture by media producers? Should we evolve social policies to treat some media output like cigarettes and junk food? Can local media systems resist? What are the implications for future political engagement when media content is at once youth-focused, consumerist, and escapist? Is it elitist and prejudiced to ask questions like these about quality?

The death of the intellectual: Can Beckham replace Sartre?

Is the intellectual a superseded phenomenon like the troubadour or the condottiere - or a vital cultural resource in the consumer world? What associations exist between intellectual labour and the West's domination of material resources and intellectual property? Will the West hear intellectuals from the rest of the world? Is there an intellectual response function to the newest 'Pax' Americana? Is there an intellectual common ground for Islam, Christianity and secularism? Why are the British as embarrassed by intellectuals as the French are by their talent for football?

'In here and out there': The media, the centre and the regions

How do the media define 'provinces' and 'regions', the 'centre' and the 'periphery'? How do the media drive the interests and values of some locations and suppress those from elsewhere? Is metrocentrism a major form of parochialism of developed media societies? What is the collective geographical subject of news producers, and who is defined through otherness? What are the demographics of inclusion and exclusion, and how do geographical identities relate to ethnicity, gender and class? How do national metrocentrisms map on to international media coverage, not least of the new category, 'asylum seeker'?

Getting past 'post-feminism'

The spectacle of the female body is as never before a standard component of the economies of tv, cinema, and the web, with even pre-teens now the target of legal as well as criminal image-producers across several media. What is the political meaning of these developments? In what ways may we comprehend alternative responses to female spectacle - for example, within some domains of Islam? Does the growth of spectacle of the male body 'equalize' the politics of the image or does it only make it easier to oppress women? Has the reach of techno-economic power made progressive sexual politics irrelevant?

The media and the end of history: A view from several continents

If political action is based on historical consciousness, how do the media affect historical knowledge? Do they help to obliterate history? How much resistance can there be to powerful media-borne versions of history? Does the web liberate individuals from institutional oppression, or increase Western/Anglophone ownership of history? Does computer technology exile history by intensifying the present? Can communities reconstitute their own histories through museums, social action and specialized media? If so, will the result be history or heritage?

All articles submitted should be original work and must not be under consideration by other publications.

Journal contributors will receive a free PDF copy of their final work upon publication. Print copies of the journal may also be purchased by contributors at half price.

Special Issue Call for Papers

There are no special issue Call for Papers at this time.


Katharine Sarikakis
University of Vienna, Austria

Francisco Seoane Pérez
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Associate Editors

Ekaterina Balabanova
University of Liverpool, UK

Carolina Matos
City, University of London, UK

Reviews Editor

María Victoria Mas
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Spain

Editorial Board

Mark Andrejevic
University of Queensland, Australia

Alina Bernstein
Tel Aviv University, Israel

Carolyn M. Byerly
Howard University, USA

Craig Calhoun
Berggruen Institute, USA

Stella Chinyere Okunna
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria

Sean Cubitt
University of Melbourne, Australia

Gillian Doyle
Centre for Cultural Policy Research (CCPR), University of Glasgow, UK

Charles Ess
University of Oslo, Norway

Des Freedman
Goldsmiths, University of London

Rosalind Gill
City University London, UK

Mary Griffiths
Adelaide University, Australia

Román Gubern
Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

Lena Jayyusi
Zayed University, United Arab Emirates

Jan Jirak
Charles University Prague, Czech Republic

Steve Jones
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Richard Keeble
University of Lincoln, UK

Sonia Livingstone
London School of Economics, UK

Robin Mansell
London School of Economics, UK

Eileen Meehan
Louisiana State University, USA

Vincent Mosco
Queen's University, Northern Ireland, UK

Marian Meyers
Georgia State University, USA

Virginia Nightingale
University of Western Sydney, Australia

Zizi Papacharissi
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Chris Paterson
University of Leeds, UK

Caroline Pauwels
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Manjunath Pendakur
Florida Atlantic University, USA

Monroe Price
University of Pennsylvania, USA

Lizette Rabe
Stellenbosch University, South Africa

Leslie Regan-Shade
University of Toronto, Canada

Karen Ross
Coventry University, UK

David Rowe
The University of Western Sydney, Australia

John L. Sullivan
Muhlenberg College, USA

Ingrid Volkmer
University of Melbourne, Australia

Nira Yuval-Davis
University of East London, UK


Katharine Sarikakis
University of Vienna, Austria

Francisco Seoane Pérez
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Associate Editors

Ekaterina Balabanova
University of Liverpool, UK

Carolina Matos
City, University of London, UK

Reviews Editor

María Victoria Mas
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Spain

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Katharine Sarikakis
University of Vienna, Austria

Francisco Seoane Pérez
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Associate Editors

Ekaterina Balabanova
University of Liverpool, UK

Carolina Matos
City, University of London, UK

Reviews Editor

María Victoria Mas
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Spain

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