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Adam Fish

Adam Fish is an associate professor and Scientia fellow in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, School of the Arts and Media, at the University of New South Wales. He is a cultural anthropologist, documentary video producer and interdisciplinary scholar who works across social science, computer engineering, environmental science and the visual arts. He has authored three books, including Hacker States (MIT Press, 2020, with Luca Follis), about how state hacking impacts democracy; Technoliberalism (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), an ethnography of the politics of Internet and television convergence in Hollywood and Silicon Valley; and After the Internet (Polity, 2017, with Ramesh Srinivasan), which re-imagines the Internet from the perspective of grassroots activists, citizens and hackers on the margins of political and economic power. He is currently writing a book on drone oceanography and activism for MIT Press.

Contact: UNSW, Room 312, Level 3, Robert Webster Building G14, School of the Arts & Media, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia.

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