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Amaia Arroyo-Sagasta

Amaia Arroyo Sagasta holds a Ph.D. in communication and education (UNED, 2017), and was awarded the Extraordinary Doctorate Prize. In addition, she completed a master's degree in communication and education on the UNED Network and a master's degree in ICT education at Mondragon Unibertsitatea, and as initial training she studied teaching in special education. For more than 15 years she has trained teachers in the pedagogical use of digital technology. She has been a teacher, advisor, author of teaching material and editor, always from a techno pedagogical point of view. In 2017 she participated in the group of experts in Digital Competence of the INTEF of the Spanish Ministry of Education. She is currently a lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences (HUHEZI) of Mondragon University and coordinator of the digitalization area of the KoLaborategia, research group on educational technology. Her research focuses on digital skills, learning environments and ecosystems, techno-pedagogical design and the critical perspective of educational innovation.

Contact: HUHEZI (Mondragon Unibertsitatea), Otalora 31, Aretxabaleta 20550, Spain.

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