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Barbara J. Fish

Barbara Fish, Ph.D., ATR-BC, ATCS, LCPC, HLM, is an art therapist, certified art therapy supervisor, art-based educator, and researcher. Most recently, she taught at Saint Mary of the Woods College. Barbara has worked extensively with children in state care, supervised therapists, consulted to agencies and provided training in trauma informed practices. Her research and practice rely on the authority of the image, manifested through response art, as a fundamental resource and art-based way of knowing. Her publications include her book, Art-Based Supervision: Cultivating Therapeutic Insight through Imagery (Routledge, 2017), and her chapter, ‘Drawing and painting research’ in Leavy’s Handbook of Arts-Based Research (Guilford, 2017). Barbara was awarded the American Art Therapy Association’s Honorary Life Member award in 2019.

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