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Claudia Olivieri

Claudia Olivieri is a researcher of Russian language and literature (SSD – L/LIN-21). She has carried out research on nineteenth- and twentieth-century Russian literature, Russian contemporary culture, Russian cinema and theatre. Her publications include Dostoesvkij: L’occhio e il segno (Rubbettino, 2003), O: Somov, Gajdamak (translation, afterword and appendix by C. Olivieri, Terzomillennio, 2004), Cinema russo da oggi a ieri (Lithos, 2015) and the volume edited with Olga Strada Italia-Russia: Un secolo di cinema / Italija-Rossija: Vek kino (ABCDesign and PNB Print for the Italian Embassy in Moscow, 2020). She is a member of the editorial and scientific board of several journals and book series (Studi Slavistici, eSamizdat, Masterskaja 20) and cofounder of the Inter-University Centre for the Study of Post-Soviet Culture and Counterculture.

Contact: Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche, Università degli Studi di Catania, Ex Monastero dei Benedettini, P.zza Vaccarini 3, 95124 Catania, Italy.

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