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Danny Barreto

Danny Barreto is associate professor of LGBTQ studies at Colgate University. His most recent work engages with questions of sexuality, gender, language and national identity in Galician literary and cultural production. Danny’s publications have appeared in journals such as Madrygal, Galicia 21, Abriu: Textuality Studies on Brazil, Galicia and Portugal, Journal of Romance Studies and Bulletin of Spanish Studies, as well as the edited volumes Re-Routing Galician Studies: Multidisciplinary Interventions (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), Extremas: Figuras de la felicidad y la furia en la producción cultural ibérica y latinoamericana del siglo XXI (Peter Lang, 2019) and Nós, xs inadaptadxs (Através, 2020). He has recently served as the vice president of the Asociación Internacional de Estudos Galegos (2019–22).

Contact: LGBTQ Studies (East Hall), Colgate University, 13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, NY, 13346, USA.

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