Elise Takehana
Elise Takehana, assistant professor of English studies, teaches writing and twentieth-century and twenty-first-century literature at Fitchburg State University. Her research interests include composition and rhetoric, media studies, aesthetics, and twentieth- and twenty-first-century text production. She is currently researching baroque aesthetics and their application across contemporary print and digital literature. Forthcoming articles by Professor Takehana include 'Prying open the oyster: Creating a digital learning space from the Robert Cormier Archive' in The ALAN Review and 'The shape of thought: Humanity in digital, literary texts' in Comunicazioni sociali. Recent articles include 'Can you murder a novel?' in Hybrid Pedagogy, 'Baroque computing: Interface and the subject-object divide' in Design, Mediation and the Post-Human (Lexington Books), and 'Porous boundaries in Virginia Woolf’s The Waves: Anticipating a digital composition and subjectivity' in Cross Culture Studies.