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Francesca Piccone

Francesca Piccone is a Ph.D. student in ‘Culture, pratiche e tecnologie del cinema, dei media, della musica, del teatro e della danza’ (Roma Tre University–Teramo University). Since 2021 she has been the director of the ‘Collana di Culture musicali e Arti performative per l’Abruzzo e il Centro-Sud’ (Kirke Edizioni). She is also the scientific co-ordinator of the annual Conference on musical heritage founded by ‘U. M. Palanza’ study Centre. Her main research interests include: music practices in ancient regime cultures; phonosphere studies (XVIII–XIX centuries); the Italian early twentieth century; music education.

Contact: Department of Philosophy, Communication and Performing Arts, Roma Tre University, via Ostiense 139, 00154 Rome, Italy.

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