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Ixiar Rozas

Ixiar Rozas holds a Ph.D. in visual arts (EHU-UPV). She lectures in art education (Mondragon Unibertsitatea, MU), on the MA in learning facilitation and innovation (MU) and on the MA in artistic research and creation (EHU-UPV). Her main research lines are voice theories, language materiality and performativity. She has published, among other books, Negutegia (Pamiela, 2006; Itaca México, 2009), Beltzuria (Pamiela, 2014; Enclave, 2017), Ejercicios de ocupación. Afectos, vida y trabajo (Polígrafia, 2015, with Q. Pujol), Unisonoa (Pamiela, 2020) and Sonar la voz. 9 ensayos y 9 partituras (Consonni, 2022). Besides those, since 2012, she has published book chapters, ten research articles, eight of which as first author, in ranked and indexed international journals. She has also participated in research projects funded by Mineco/Feder (Teatralidades expandidas HAR2015-63984-P). She is currently part of the ARTEA (UCLM) research group.

Contact: HUHEZI (Mondragon Unibertsitatea), Otalora 31, Aretxabaleta 20550, Spain.

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