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Jin Haritaworn

Jin Haritaworn is an associate professor of Gender, Race and Environment at York University in Toronto, Canada. They locate their work in the tradition of activist scholarship, which attempts to be in the service of communities. Their publications include two single-authored books, numerous articles (in journals such as GLQ, Society & Space, sub\urban and Topia) and several co-edited collections (including Queer Necropolitics [with Kuntsman and Posocco] and Queering Urban Justice and Marvellous Grounds [with Moussa and Ware]). Haritaworn has made contributions to several fields on both sides of the Atlantic, including gender, sexuality and transgender studies, critical race and ethnic studies, and urban studies, and has left their imprint on various concepts and debates, including gay imperialism, homonationalism, intersectionality, gentrification and criminalization, trans/queer of colour archives and politics, and queer space.

Contact: York University, 4700 Keele Street, North York, ON M3J 1P3, Canada.

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