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Jo Turney

Dr Jo Turney is professor of fashion and textiles at Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton. She is a design historian specializing in post-war everyday dress and textiles practices, primarily engaging with primary sources and using ethnographic techniques. She is particularly interested in wardrobe studies and clothing behaviours and practices. The majority of her research has focused on this, considering dress as deviant or frightening, embodying objects that make solid, social perception, fear and prejudice, outlining their persistence as necessities in understanding difference and sameness. Turney is also interested in non-normative dress practices and is keen to uncover issues that remain unpopular and under-researched in this area, i.e. dress and media representations of masculinities, deviant needlecrafts, everyday creativity, neo-liberalism, social justice, the 1970s, synthetics and sex and domestic interior design. She is the co-founder (with Alex Franklin) and editor of the journal Clothing Cultures at Intellect and sits on the editorial board of Textiles: The Journal of Cloth and Culture (Taylor and Francis) and is an advisory board member of the Dress and Bodies Association (DBA).

Contact: Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton, Park Avenue, Winchester, S023 8DL, UK.

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Clothing Cultures
Editor Jo Turney Associate Editor Matilda Aspinall