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Kate Aughterson

Kate Aughterson is lecturer in Restoration and Eighteenth-Century literature at the University of Manchester. She is author of Renaissance Woman (Routledge, 1995), The English Renaissance: An Anthology (Routledge, 1998), John Webster: The Plays (Palgrave, 2000), Aphra Behn: The Comedies (Palgrave, 2003), Shakespeare: The Late Plays (Palgrave, 2013); co-edited two volumes of the Journal of Writing in Creative Practice on place-based writing; co-authored Shakespeare and Gender (Bloomsbury, 2021);Women’s Experimental Narratives: Early Modern to Contemporary (Palgrave, 2021); and Women Experimenting in Theatre (Palgrave 2024) and co-edited Jim Crace: Into the Wilderness (Palgrave, 2018). She has contributed entries on early modern women writers for the DNB, and written articles on feminist utopian writing, the rhetoric of plain style and gender, gender and drama in the early modern period and Shakespeare’s late soliloquies.

Contact: Department of English Literature, American Studies and Creative Writing; University of Manchester; Oxford Road; Manchester; M13 9PL.