Leonardo José Sebiane Serrano
Leonardo Jose Sebiane Serrano is a Costarican and Generic Baiano (Bahian) and Mestizo performing and performance artist. He got his graduate degree in performing arts at Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (2003), qualification in teaching of performing arts at Universidad Estadual a Distancia de Costa Rica (2006), master’s in sciences of human movement at Universidad de Costa Rica (2007), and Ph.D. in performing arts at Universidade Federal da Bahia – UFBA (Federal University of Bahia). He became postdoctoral fellow at the National University of Costa Rica (2018). He is a professor with experience in the area of arts and has works in performing arts (dance/theatre), performance, production and education. He is currently senior lecturer at the Institute of Humanities, Arts and Sciences, Professor Milton Santos (IHAC), as well as the professional master’s programme in arts (ProfArtes) and the postgraduate programme in performing arts (PPGAC) at UFBA. He also works as a researcher on topics related to body/corporeality studies, somatic–performative approaches, process criticism and decolonial option.