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Louise Beck Brønnum

Louise Beck Brønnum, M.Sc., is a gastrophysicist and co-owner of the food consultancy company KOST, as well as a research assistant at the University of Copenhagen as part of her work for the National Danish Taste Center, Taste for Life. She centres her work around fermentation, squids, legumes and product development to create an interdisciplinary bridge between the scientific and gastronomic world. She has published popular articles within gastro-science along with three cookbooks and teaching materials to kids, youngsters and chefs. She actively presents at food festivals and symposiums and facilitates gastronomic events with a scientific perspective.

Contact: Department of Food Science, Design and Consumer Behavior, University of Copenhagen, 26 Rolighedsvej, DK-1958 Frederiksberg, Denmark and KOST, H.C. Ørstedsvej 22G, st. 1879 Frederiksberg C., Denmark.

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