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Martina R. Prosperi

Martina R. Prosperi achieved her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Asian studies at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. She then moved to Taipei and spent one year as a visiting student of NTU Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature, where she studied Taiwan environmental and indigenous literature, and translated Syaman Rapongan’s Badaiwan de shenhua (‘The mythology of Badai Bay’) into Italian. Currently, she is a third-year Ph.D. student at Roma Tre University, and she is member of a research group on ‘Sinophone literature from the 19th century to the contemporary ages’ ( Her research fields include: deviance and deviances in contemporary Chinese literature, Sinophone eco-literature and literary translation.

Contact: Università di Roma Tre – Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere, Via del Valco di S. Paolo, 19, 00146 Roma, Italy.

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