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Mico Tatalovic

Mićo Tatalović recently completed the Knight Science Journalism Fellowship at MIT, in Cambridge, United States, where he studied artificial intelligence applications to science journalism. Before that he was a science news editor, first at SciDev.Net and then at New Scientist. He is originally from Rijeka, Croatia, and is still actively involved in promoting science journalism in the region, through initiatives such as the Balkan School of Science Journalism. Mićo has several years of experience as a board member of the Association of British Science Writers, most recently as its chairman. At ABSW, he helped organize UK and European conferences of science journalism and summer schools of science journalism. He studied biology at the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge, and then science communication at Imperial College London, where he researched representation of science in comic books. He is currently a news editor at Research Professional News.

Contact: Knight Science Journalism Programme, MIT, 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

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