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Miguel Carrera Garrido

Dr Miguel Carrera Garrido currently teaches Spanish and Latin American Literature at the Centro Internacional de Estudios Superiores del Español (CIESE) of the University of Cantabria, in Comillas (Cantabria, Spain). He has lived, studied, taught and done research in Ireland, Sweden, the United States and, more recently, Poland. His investigations focus on productions in the Hispanic area and on genres like horror, the fantastic and science fiction. He writes not only about theatre, but also about narrative fiction and cinema. Among his most recent publications, is the book El enigma sobre las tablas. Análisis de la dramaturgia completa (2015); also, his contributions to Historia de lo fantástico en la cultura española contemporánea (1900–2015) (2017) and Historia de la ciencia ficción en la cultura española (2018). He belongs to the ‘Grupo de Estudios sobre lo Fantástico’ (Autonomous University of Barcelona) and ‘Grupo de Estudios literarios y comparados de lo Insólito y perspectivas de Género’ (University of León), and forms part of the editorial team of Brumal. Revista de investigación sobre lo fantástico.

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