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Nasim Naghavi

Nasim Naghavi serves as an architect, film director and a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Concordia. Her expertise lies in bridging the realms of art and urban environments, exploring their intricate interplay. Presently she is involved in the realm of Integrated Design and Sustainability for the Built Environment (IDEAS-BE). Her prior endeavours revolved around artistic place-making and the dynamics between space and place in the context of modernity. However, her current venture is squarely focused on the potential of films as a comprehensive artistic medium capable of not only presenting creative solutions but also offering alternatives to urban challenges. This shift towards the world of art underscores her commitment to fostering the creative aspect of urban development. In her ongoing project, Nasim delves into the realm of films that holds the potential to revolutionize car-centric urban spaces and what are commonly referred to as ‘third spaces’. Her work is driven by a desire to find innovative solutions to the urban challenges of our time.

Contact: School of Graduate Studies, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Concordia, Montreal, Canada.

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