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Nathanael Elias Mengist

Nathanael Elias Mengist is a research assistant in the Goodlad Institute for Educational Renewal at the University of Washington. He has received a BA in comparative history of ideas and an M.Ed. in education policy, also from the University of Washington. His research explores conceptual genealogies, including the axiological intersections of both western and non-western discourses on plants, alchemy and technology. He co-organizes panels, workshops and symposiums facilitating interdisciplinary and imaginative learning environments. His recent projects have approached art and speculative design to envision afrofuturist futures centering environmental and reproductive justice and care.

Contact: Goodlad Institute for Educational Renewal, University of Washington, Bothell, Husky Hall, 10413 Beardslee Blvd, Bothell, WA 98011, USA.

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