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Noah Miller

Noah Miller is a Ph.D. student at the School of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University where he studies the design, evaluation and accommodation of positive transformative experiences with VR. Using immersive technology, he develops and designs with the goal to create experiences that evoke and accommodate cognitive shifts to elicit positive changes on social and mental health issues. His eclectic interests and skills have led to him working on various international projects including research on spatial cognition, combating negative effects of isolation and VR headsets in microgravity in collaboration with ESA. He also does research and development of immersive technology through motion capture, animation and live streaming. He aspires to use his diverse knowledge and experiences to foster advancements in future transformative experience design and accommodation for positive change.

Contact: Simon Fraser University, 250 – 13450 102 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3T 0A3, Canada.

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