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Ole G. Mouritsen

Ole G. Mouritsen is a research scientist and professor of gastrophysics and culinary food innovation at Copenhagen University. His work focuses on basic sciences and their applications within the fields of biotechnology, biomedicine and food. He is the recipient of numerous prizes for his work and for research communication. He is president of the Danish Gastronomical Academy and director of the National Danish Taste Centre, Taste for Life. He is fascinated with the Japanese culinary arts and in explaining the extent to which their techniques and taste elements can be adapted for the Western kitchen. His books in English include Sushi: Food for the Eye, the Body, and the Soul (2009); Seaweeds: Edible, Available, and Sustainable (2013); Umami: Unlocking the Secrets of the Fifth Taste (2014); Life – As a Matter of Fat (2016); Mouthfeel: How Texture Makes Taste (2017); Octopuses, Squid, and Cuttlefish: Seafood for Today and for the Future (2020); and The Science and Art of Pickled Vegetables: Tsukemono (2020).

Contact: Department of Food Science, Design and Consumer Behavior, University of Copenhagen, 26 Rolighedsvej, DK-1958 Frederiksberg, Denmark.

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