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Rubén Ramos Antón

Rubén Ramos Antón is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Communication of the Universidad de Castilla–La Mancha. He has a Ph.D. in information and documentation from the Universidad de Zaragoza (2016) and a master’s in investigative journalism, data and visualization (UNIR, 2018) and information and knowledge society (UOC, 2011). Among his lines of research is the analysis of the impact of information technology on society, as well as the effects of the technological revolution on information. He has published numerous pieces (academic papers, chapters in books, etc.) on this area in recent years. His career has taken him to various media organizations and institutions (public and private) in the Autonomous Region of Aragon over the last twenty years.

Contact: Facultad de Comunicación, Universidad de Castilla–La Mancha, Edificio Polivalente, Plaza de la Libertad de Expresión, s/n, ES 16071 Cuenca, España.

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