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Sami Al Basheer Al Morshid

Sami Al Basheer Al Morshid was elected Director of the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau by the Plenipotentiary Conference on 14 November 2006 in Antalya, Turkey. He took office on 1 January 2007.
Al Basheer Al Morshid has more than 23 years experience in telecommunications in Saudi Arabia and overseas, including two years at the ITU Regional Office in Cairo. As head of the department responsible for telecommunication policy and investment matters at national, regional and international levels, he has extensive experience in telecommunications management and development, as well as in negotiating and formulating international agreements on commercial, operational, maintenance and investment issues. In addition to his role at the national level, Al Basheer Al Morshid played a leading role within regional organizations, acting as Chairman and participating in many conferences in ITU and at other regional and international organizations in the telecommunications sector.

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